Who is your target audience?
My magazine is aimed at teenagers, specifically between the age of 16-18. It's also targeted at pupils who attend a sixth form or a college. Students will be able to get revision tips and also learn how to deal with the stress of starting a sixth form/college. It will also inform them about the leisure activities such as clubs to help maintain the balance between working and relaxing.
What is the name of your magazine?
My magazine is called 'FOCUS'. I named it FOCUS because it's something that students have to do all the time during their time in further education. If they don't focus, they will not learn anything properly and this will result in having lower grades than they had expected.The masthead will be quite bold and written in capital letters, and it will also be white so that it can stand out from the colours of the main image.
Who will be your front cover model and why?
My front cover model will be a student in a uniform, sitting on the floor with many books in front of her. Her facial expression would be a mixture of stress, anger, and sadness. These emotions will be displayed through her appearance - her mascara will be running down her face showing that she has been crying. I chose this because students will be able to actually see what stress can do to you. Along with talking about the results of getting stressed, I will also mention how to deal with this stress.
What sort of shot will it be?
It will be a medium close-up shot take from a slightly upper angel, similar to a birds eye view.
What mise en scene will be required?
The images will be take place in the library of the school (the TLC) around the areas of the red sofas and the model will be wearing the 6th form uniform. Most of the lighting will be artificial due to the lights in the TLC although there will be some natural light too.
What would be your sell lines? How will you entice your target audience?
I will entice my target audience by highlighting the issues (that are featured in the magazine) that students could be curious about in my sell lines. For example, earning UCAS points, enrichment programmes, tips on how to deal with stress and depression and how to be one step ahead of others.
What items and feature articles will you need on your contents page?
There will be feature articles on dealing with pressure, earning UCAS points, clubs and enrichment programmes, open days of universities, keeping a healthy balanced diet, leisure activites outside the school and it may also contain advertisement.