Thursday, 20 March 2014

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Audience Research - WhatsApp

I used WhatsApp to communicate with some of my friends so I could conduct some audience research. I was able to talk to them easily. In contrast to the questionnaire only contained closed questions, I was able to use open questions. I was able to gather my friends' opinions more accurately which I wouldn't have been able to by using a questionnaire. By doing this, I was further able to understand the things my audience wanted and I was able to ask their opinions about things that I have already planned such as the colour scheme.



Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Font Research and Analysis

For my masthead, I wanted a font that was simple yet looked a bit a sketchy. There were many fonts that looked sketchy but they didn't look like they were drawn or sketched by hand. I wanted that effect to make I look more playful, fun and different rather than having the typical simple serif or san-serif font; I wanted to subvert this typical font style because I wanted my magazine to look unique and I got this inspiration from the KPOP magazine because they used block letters as their fonts which I used for my headline and many other texts on the contents page. As K-Pop magazine usually have a colour scheme which is present throughout the rest of the magazine many time, I also decided to make my masthead in a different colour rather than just black (which is quite typical of magazines) as it will stand out a lot more which will help attract attention. The star at the bottom of some of the fonts I explored was something I originally wanted to have, however with my final font, the way it was written/sketched, the star didn't fit it well, so I left it as an exclamation mark. The exclamation mark suits it much better as the connotation of "Omona!" is "oh my god/gosh" and by adding the exclamation mark, it makes it appear as if something big is happening or is going to happen. The relates to my headline on my front cover which states "The Return Of Queen MRC" (changed from "Queen MRC is BACK") which emphasises that it's a return of a very famous band/duo after a long time.